Coronavirus Disease or Covid-19 is caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. Covid-19 has disrupted the world for the past 2 years. The world witnessed deaths at a terrifying rate, severe health crises, and socio-economic breakdowns. While the threat seems past today it has left a permanent dent in the life ofRead More →

Maple syrup is a popular organic sweetener claimed to be nutritious and healthier than sugar. So, many people ask whether they need to replace refined sugar with natural maple syrup and….is it healthy.  What’s maple syrup made from? Maple syrup is the sap got from maple trees. North Americans haveRead More →

Substance abuse is a major social concern as it not only creates problems with the personal, professional and social surrounding of the addicted person, but at the same time give rise to criminal issues as well. The addicted people are more likely to get involved in criminal acts or becomeRead More →

Dental health has always been a matter of ignorance. People have avoided going to a dentist by not giving importance to their dental health. However, you should include healthy habits in your lifestyle and also visit a dentist from time to time. Visiting one such experienced dentist will ensure properRead More →

Dental problems are one of the most common health problems these days. The worst part is that dental problems don’t hit with age. It can attack anyone from kids to older adults ever since the beginning. Dental problems require proper medical attention; if not, the tiny dental problems may leadRead More →