Identifying And Removing Pollen From Your Pool 

Summer is around the corner, and that means that the ‘pollen count’ or the ‘pollen load’ of your fibreglass pool is going to increase. For each neighbourhood, how much pollen they can expect in their swimming pools is different. If there are many trees near your pool, and should there be an active spring nearby, then the amount of pollen released could be large. 

With so much pollen entering your fibreglass pool, it could create a huge mess. However, identifying pollen in your pool isn’t hard, should you know what you’re looking for. With just a little effort, you’ll be able to make the water in your fibreglass pool look clear once again. 

How Can You Recognise Pollen In Your Fibreglass Pool? 

Anytime you find yourself needing to clean your swimming pool, the first thing you should do is identify what caused the mess. The level of pollen being released can vary from year to year. This is why there are also pool owners who find themselves in shock after discovering pollen in their pools Perth for the first time. 

When there’s a lot of pollen in your pool, then you may notice that your pool has developed a yellowish tinge. When new pool owners see their pool with a yellowish tinge for the first time, many assume that it’s caused by algae. It’s easy to determine whether it’s pollen or algae that’s affecting your pool. The good news is that it’s easier to get rid of pollen than it is to get rid of algae. 

Yellow algae has a slimy texture. Usually, you’ll find it sticking to the sides of your fibreglass pool. Pollen, on the other hand, tends to float on the surface of the water. It tends to spread around in the water as well until it covers the entire pool. This is what’s responsible for creating the yellow haze that you see in your pool. 

If you try to feel the sides of your fibreglass pool, then you’ll be able to tell whether it’s algae or not. If you’re still not sure, then scoop out some of the water from your pool. Place it in a clear glass, and you should be able to tell what it is. This is because yellow pollen will tend to float around in the water. 

How Does Pollen Enter The Pool Water? 

The levels of pollen can vary by the year, depending on the weather. The water level, as well as other factors like what season it is, can also affect how much pollen is being released. In seasons where the release of pollen is heavy, you’ll even see pollen flying through the air. This ends up creating a yellow-coloured haze. 

If you see heavy pollen in your area, then your fibreglass pool will need to be cleaned as well. Where the pollen ends up settling depends on several factors, such as how many trees are near your pool. If there aren’t many trees around your pool, then you may not find yourself dealing with pollen drops. But this doesn’t mean that it won’t ever happen. 

There are pool owners that wake up to find that their pool water is coloured yellow, and they have no idea why. For many others, cleaning pollen out of their pool is part of their regular summer pool maintenance routine. 

How Can You Get Rid Of Pollen From Your Fibreglass Pool? 

This is what you should do to remove pollen from your pool: 

  • Use Your Pool Filter 

Pollen tends to be both fine as well as particulate. Your pool filter can best help you get rid of pollen from your pool water. When you first notice that your pool filter has developed a yellow colour, you’ll need to cycle all the water in your pool through the pool filter. This will help to remove a majority of the pollen that’s present in your pool. Should you be experiencing a pollen season that’s particularly heavy, then you may need to backwash as well as refilter your pool water to get rid of all the pollen. 

You can ask your local weather station about what the pollen forecast for the coming days is like. There are certain preventative actions you can take which can help you save time as well as energy later on. You’ll need to run your pool pump more during the pollen season. 

  • Using A Skimmer 

Pollen tends to be light as well as airy. When this pollen first hits the water of your swimming pool, it will usually float on the surface. If you skim your pool water regularly, then you’ll be able to prevent the pollen from settling in your pool. 

There are skimmer nets that are often too large to deal with pollen. You’ll need a skimmer with a fine mesh if you want to clean up pollen. Should you have a lot of trees in your area, or if you have to deal with pollen often, then getting a skimmer with a fine mesh might be a good idea. During seasons with heavy pollen, you’ll need to skim your pool at least once a day. 

  • Clarifying The Pool Water 

When you filter and skim the water of your fibreglass pool, a lot of the pollen will be cleaned out. But when the pollen season is heavy, it can be hard to get rid of all the pollen in your pool. This especially applies if the pollen has had the opportunity to settle in your pool. 

You’ll need to use a clarifier if you want to get rid of all the pollen from your pool. This will make the pollen sink to the bottom of your fibreglass pool and you’ll be able to vacuum out the remaining pollen, making pool water look crystal clear again. 


Cleaning pollen from your fibreglass pool doesn’t have to be difficult. If you do find yourself dealing with a pollen problem in your pool, then use the methods described in this guide to get rid of the pollen. From identifying when your pool has a pollen problem to how to get rid of it, this guide can give you all the answers you need.