To acquire a birth control implant, you must first consult with a doctor or other healthcare expert. After a physical exam, your specialist will insert the implant under the upper arm’s skin. Conversely, it can last for up to three years. Implant insertions are completed in a matter of minutes. Clinicians use general anesthesia to reduce pain and discomfort throughout the treatment. After the therapy, you will be sent home with a tiny bandage covering the insertion site. You may also be provided a pressure bandage to wear for 24 hours before removing it. Following the Falls Rural Health Corporation of Northeastern Pennsylvania surgery, some bruising, scarring, soreness, or bleeding at the insertion site may occur.
Benefits of birth control implants
1. It produces impressive outcomes and is 99% effective. Suppose a pregnancy develops while the implant is in place. In that circumstance, it is possible that the implant was malfunctioning, or the woman did not utilize another type of contraception for the first five to seven days.
2. When you utilize the implant, you don’t have to bother about taking medication every day. You will be free of birth control concerns for at least 36 months after the implant is placed and the early few days have passed.
3. The birth control implant has undergone extensive clinical testing and has been determined to be safe.
4. The birth control implant is implanted as outpatient surgery at a clinic. The procedure may be performed under local anesthetic and takes only a few minutes. There is essentially little downtime, and patients may resume all everyday operations on the same day.
5. The birth control implant might also help you have regular menstrual periods. If you have had irregular or painful menstrual cycles, the implant may ease the discomfort while ensuring that your periods are consistent.
How long do birth control implants last
The birth control implant’s impact lasts between three and five years. If a female doesn’t want to get pregnant, it is suggested that she obtain another implant after 36 months. It is critical to recall when the implant was put so that you can determine when it should be removed or replaced. Furthermore, the removal technique is straightforward and may be completed in the doctor’s office. The doctor will numb the skin. Under local anesthetic, a tiny incision is created, and the implant is removed.
Do birth control implants cause weight gain?
Hormonal implants are a form of reversible long-term birth control. Like other hormonal birth control, the implant may have specific adverse effects, including weight gain. However, studies on whether the implant indeed promotes weight gain are conflicting. Evidence suggests that some women who use the implant acquire weight. It’s unclear if this is due to the implant or other lifestyle choices.
Birth control implant adverse effects do not affect everyone; if they do, they are generally small and fade away with time. Women who use the birth control implant should also be informed that it does not protect them against sexually transmitted illnesses. To prevent these illnesses, it is suggested that women who have several relationships use a condom. Before deciding on a birth control method, it is usually a good idea to talk to your doctor about possible adverse effects. Call Rural Health Corporation of Northeastern Pennsylvania or book your appointment online to learn more about various birth control implant techniques.