Missing your period is a common symptom; you can often tell if you are pregnant. If you are experiencing any pregnancy symptoms, you should take a pregnancy test at home or, for pregnancy confirmation, visit your doctor. One day after your first missed period, you are more likely to get positive results from a pregnancy test. However, to ensure that you get the most accurate test results, it is best to wait at least a week after your missed period.
- Pregnancy Test at Home
The Home Pregnancy Test can be easily used to determine your pregnancy on the first day of your missed period. Some highly sensitive tests may be used earlier. These tests detect the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, which is found in the body during pregnancy. In-home pregnancy test, the stick chemical changes color when it comes in contact with the hormone. The wait time may vary depending on the test, but most take about 10 minutes to produce accurate results.
If you take the pregnancy test too early after your first missed period, the results may vary; that’s why most manufacturers suggest taking HPTs twice. In some cases, your HCG levels are too low to be caught early. Applicators vary by brand, but tests are usually inexpensive. If pregnancy tests are used properly, the results are valid. It is possible to have a false-negative result, which shows up when you are pregnant, but the test says you are not pregnant. If you have missed your period and it doesn’t appear in a few days, repeat the test or visit your doctor for a pregnancy test.
- Clinical Urine Test
At the place of your doctor, you can have a clinical urine test. These tests are not necessarily more accurate than HPT, although your doctor can help eliminate any possible errors that may affect the accuracy of the test. Clinical urine tests may cost more than HPT depending on your health insurance plan. Clinical urine test results may vary depending on the medical facility you visit. However, you can usually expect your results within a week of taking the test.
- Blood Test
These tests are usually taken at the office of your doctor. These are laboratory tests of your blood to detect the HCG hormone of pregnancy. Two types of pregnancy blood tests are qualitative and quantitative HCG blood tests. Qualitative HCG blood test checks for any HCG hormone in the body. The answer is yes or no of whether you are pregnant or not. A quantitative HCG blood test measures the specific HCG level in the blood.
If your levels of HCG are lower or higher than expected based on the fact that you think you are pregnant, your doctor may order further tests. These include the hCG test may be repeated in a few days or ultrasound. The most common reason for HCG levels to appear abnormal is uncertainty about your dates. Quantitative HCG blood tests result inaccurate as they measure the correct HCG amount in the blood. They can detect lower levels of the hormone than urine tests or quality HCG blood tests. Blood tests can detect HCG than other tests and are usually more expensive than home tests, and you have to wait longer for your results. Blood test results can take more than a week to deliver.
There are three types of pregnancy tests: home pregnancy tests, clinical urine tests, and blood tests.