Smile Makeover Procedure

At, you can obtain stellar results from a complete smile makeover procedure. A smile makeover is a series of cosmetic dental operations aimed at enhancing the look of the smile, such as:

-Reverse occlusion
-Cohesion between two or more materials
-Teeth augmentations
-Whitening your teeth

Among the areas, your dentist will discuss with you and that might benefit from improvement are the following:

Tooth Type: Y Tooth-colored composite restorations can be used to replace silver or amalgam fillings, and teeth whitening can be used to brighten discoloured or dulled teeth. During the examination and preparation of different operations, such as porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, composite bonding, and dental implants, tooth colour and shading are critical.

Keep in mind that dark or discoloured teeth may indicate an older mouth when assessing the colour of your teeth. A young look may be achieved by having a well-defined grin with white teeth. Dentists carefully assess the colour of the teeth whitening or veneers they recommend based on your face and hair colour. Cosmetic dentists have mastered the art of achieving a whiter, brighter smile while also preserving the natural colour of your teeth.

Spacing and Alignment: Crooked, overlapping, or gapped teeth can be straightened and aligned with braces or Invisalign, and their appearance can be enhanced with porcelain veneers. Missing teeth can have a detrimental impact on your look, as well as your bite and your risk of dental decay, making restoration an essential aspect of oral health and face esthetics. Dental implants, bridges, and partial dentures can be used to restore missing teeth.

Balance: An uneven, chipped, or broken tooth can be reshaped to seem better, and a gummy grin can be reshaped to look better overall. Certain smile makeover operations, such as orthodontics and/or oral maxillofacial surgery, can enhance or revitalize an aged or unshaped face.

Cosmetic dental operations need daily brushing and flossing of the teeth, as well as occasional maintenance. Re-bleaching of teeth is necessary, for example, if you want to keep them looking brilliant. When porcelain veneers shatter or break, it’s necessary to get new ones. Staining or replacement of a permanent composite bond may be necessary. Dental crowns normally need to be replaced every ten to fifteen years.

Thus, this was all about the smile makeover procedure that you need to know.